Zimmer: 1, Wohnfläche / Quadratmeter: 90m²
The flat is furnished. There is a queen-sized mattress, cupboard, a table and chair in the room.
The rent is 396€ which includes electricity and gas. Only the internet cost is extra.
Location: Close to Klinikum
5 min to City park
15 min to HBF
Bus stop : Klinikum Süd , Pfaffstraße 1 min by walk
Aldi, Lidl, DM - 3 min by walk and Kaufland 5 min by walk
City Center only 10 min walking and 10 min to RPTU by bus (115) and 5 min by 170
Erstellungsdatum: 04/08/24, Besuche: 1
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